A Guide To Pool Maintenance For New Pool Owners

When you first have a swimming pool installed you will no doubt spend a significant amount of your free time enjoying the pool. However, in order to ensure that swimming in the pool continues to be safe, you will need to stay on top of the regular maintenance that's required to keep the pool clean. A dirty pool contains high levels of bacteria that can leave you susceptible to developing skin irritation, ear infections, respiratory infections and gastric upset. So, what's involved in keeping your pool in tiptop condition? Read on to find out what your weekly pool maintenance should consist of.

Surface Skimming

Skimming off leaves and debris from the surface of your pool should be done at least once a week. This is a vital step in maintaining your pool, as when debris is left on the surface, it will degrade the quality of the water in your pool, and when leaves and debris sink to the bottom of the pool, they can cause staining on the pool floor. Additionally, if leaves and debris get into the pool filter, they can cause costly damage and bacteria and mould will quickly build up in your pool.

Brushing The Walls

Algae will naturally develop on the walls of your pool, and it's best to remove it weekly with a firm brush before it gets too established and impacts on water quality. Loosened sediment should be brushed toward the main drain for easy removal. Depending on the size of your pool, brushing the walls can be a time-consuming job and can require a fair amount of elbow grease.

Vacuuming The Pool

Once the walls of your pool have been brushed, the sediment and any additional debris that's found its way onto the pool floor will have to be vacuumed up. There are several types of pool vacuums available including robotic and automatic models that work independently of your pool's filtration system and suction models that attach to a port in the filtration system and utilise the water flow from the filter to create suction.

When setting up a weekly pool maintenance contract with a pool cleaning company, ensure you are clear about what will be included in the service they provide. An all-inclusive service will leave you free to enjoy using your pool without the need to set aside time each week to maintain it, and your contractor will be able to spot any signs of damage or unusual wear that you may be more likely to miss without the extensive experience of maintaining pools.

For more information on pool maintenance, contact a local pool cleaner company.
